Barbara Spector was a member of the Los Gatos Planning Commission between 1980 and 1988, often serving as either Chair or Vice-Chair. During her tenure, the Commission developed new zoning ordinances, the Hillside Plan, the Downtown Specific Plan, and a revised General Plan to protect our hillsides, historic homes, neighborhoods and local businesses.
In 2008, Barbara served as Mayor of Los Gatos. During her Town Council service, she has represented Los Gatos on regional bodies including the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), the Guadalupe West Valley Water Shed Advisory Committee, the Santa Clara Valley Water District Commission, the Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee, and the Santa Clara County Cities Association.
Additionally, Barbara has served on the Town Council’s Policy, General Plan, Finance and Conceptual Devel-opment Advisory Committees, and she currently chairs the North 40 Advisory Committee.
"All that I do for our Town is a product of the passion I have always had for our community as reflected in the following Sunset magazine passage written in 1915."
To see Los Gatos is to love the town. To enjoy the privilege of a few days' or weeks' stay within the gates of that beautiful city of 3,500 souls is to wish to come again. And to become a permanent resident there is to lie in para-dise, if such there be on this earth.